International Screendance Calendar
This calendar compiles screendance / dance film related events and opportunities from around the world. You can subscribe to the calendar via your phone / device, just click on the blue "+" in the bottom right corner.The calendar is not exhaustive, and we need your help to keep it up to date! If you have an event or opportunity to add, please use submit using this form.
Please be aware that time zones may not display accurately for your region.
The calendar was initiated by Simon Fildes and is maintained by a group of screendance practitioners on a voluntary basis. Current custodians of the calendar include Simon Fildes, Clare Schweitzer, Andrew Chapman, Michelle Bernier and Gitta Wigro.
Resources for the dance film genre
We hope these resources are helpful to you if you'd like to learn more about dance film/video/cinema and screendance activities.
The Dance Films Association, or DFA, is an organization dedicated to furthering the art of dance film, who manages both a listing of dance film festivals around the world and a Dance and Media Timeline.
Media-Arts-and-Dance is an email list and archive used by its members to announce and discuss theory, research, critical discourse, publications, conferences, networking and curatorial approaches in the field of screen based dance, including single screen cinema or television works, installation, and net based work.
The International Journal of Screendance is an international, artist-led journal exploring the field of Screendance. It is the first-ever scholarly journal wholly dedicated to this growing area of worldwide interdisciplinary practice.
Katrina McPherson's Making Video Dance, describes her book, a step by step guide to creating dance for the screen. is a social networking website of "humans exploring hybrid art, dance, embodiment, cognition, tech-science, networks, post-humanism and culture."
Frameform is a podcast discussing movies, moving and everything in between, hosted by Jen Ray, Clare Schweitzer, and Hannah Weber.
A frame from TIA: THIS is Africa, 2015,
directed by Matthieu Maunier-Rossi.