Friday, March 7 at 7:00 PM & Saturday, March 8 at 9:00 PM

DRAWING BLANK, 2012, Canada, 5 min
Directed by stefan verna
Produced by David Finch
Choreography and Dancing by Emily Jean Honegger
Music Composed by David Drury
Cinematography by Bill Kerrigan
Edited by stefan verna
A dream-like story of impermanence told through dance and stop-motion painting.

Cracks, 2013, Spain, 4 min
Directed by Alex Pachón
Produced by Patricia S. Mora
Choreography and Dancing by Alex Pachón
Music Composed by Alberto Rodríguez
Music Performed by Alex Pachón
Cinematography by Felix Mendez, Nuria Gámiz
Edited by Alex Pachón
This soloist dances to the sounds of his own joints cracking and popping.
890 Broadway, 2012, USA, 4 min
Directed by Marta Renzi
Produced by And Dancers, Inc.
Choreography by Marta Renzi
Dancing by Ching-I Chang & Jenny Tortorello
Music by Kevin MacLeod
Cinematography by Charles Caster-Dudzick
Edited by Marta Renzi
The duet of two women dressed to go out - but, who never do.

Freefall, 2012, UK, 3 min
Directed by Sima Gonsai and Babis Alexiadis
Produced by Mencap
Choreography by Lee Fisher
Featuring Freefall Dance Company
Music Composed by Richard Syner
Cinematography by Sima Gonsai and Babis Alexiadis
Edited by Sima Gonsai
Lovely, simple, and compelling, this film highlights the work of the disabled dance company Freefall.

Well Contested Sites, 2012, USA, 13 min
Directed by Amie Dowling, Austin Forbord
Produced by Amie Dowling
Choreography by Amie Dowling, Natalie Greene
Dancing by Eric Garcia, Eric Camberos, Freddy Gutierrez, Gabe Stuckey, John Carnahan, Jordan Daniels, Justin Perkins, Reggie Daniels, Travis Rowland, Zachary Johnson
Music by Eli Nelson, King Britt
Cinematography by Kitfox Valentín
Edited by Austin Forbord
The prison experience - smart and touching.

Lost Ambulation, 2012, USA, 4 min
Produced and Directed by Danielle Short
Choreography and Dancing by Sarah Reynolds
Filmmaker: Danielle Short
Experimental cinematic elements create a choreographic flow that enhances the constrained human movement in this dreamscape.

PAS, 2013, USA, 3 min
Directed by Charli Brissey & Courtney Harris
Produced by Maeko Productions
Choreography by Charli Brissey & Courtney Harris
Featuring Maeko Productions
Dancing by Courtney Harris
Music by Cafe Accordion Orchestra
Filmmaker: Charli Brissey
Spoken text by Charli Brissey
Ballet terminology 101 - with a twist.

photo by Kevin Clifford
Beyond The Surface, 2011, UK, 8 min
Directed by Marie-Louise Flexen and Kevin Clifford
Produced by Gloucestershire Dance
Choreography by Marie-Louise Flexen
Featuring Velcro Dance Company (a professional company of disabled and non disabled dancers)
Dancing by Hannah de Cancho, Stephanie Holt, Frank McDaniels, Oliver Ellis, Kimberley Noble, and Jack Mullins
Music by Steve Skinley
Filmmaker: Kevin Clifford
Project Management by Helen Crocker
Project Coordination by Laura Simpson
A fisherman is seduced into the water by underwater dancers; his friend tries to rescue him but also succumbs. Eventually they are returned to their boat exhausted.

Veronica & Vincent, 2013, USA, 6 min
Produced and Directed by Amy Seiwert
Choreography by Amy Seiwert
Featuring Amy Seiwert's Imagery
Dancing by Andrea Basile, Brandon "Private" Freeman
Music Composed by Daniel Bernard Romain
Cinematography by Ben Estabrook
Edited by Amy Seiwert and Ben Estabrook
The sadness of the loss of a spouse is beautifully illustrated through dance.
Outside in, 2011, Sweden, 10 min
Directed by Tove Skeidsvoll & Petrus Sjövik
Produced by Annelie Gardell
Choreography and Dancing by Tover Skeidsvoll
Music by Johannes Burström
Cinematography by Petrus Sjövik
Edited by Nils Moström
Introspectively filmed by an intrusive crew, Cecilia dances inside a forest inside a studio.