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Run (Corra), 2018, Brazil, 4 min
Directed by Diogo Angeli
Produced by Cia Eclipse Cultura e Arte
Choreography by Ricardo Cardoso (Kico Brown)
Featuring Cia Eclipse Cultura e Arte
Dancing by Cia Eclipse Cultura e Arte
Music Composed by O Guarani Maestro Carlos Gomes versão Família Lima (Overture)
Cinematography by Jurssa Santos e Diogo Angeli
Edited by Diogo Angeli
This artistic work flows in the sense of breaking paradigms from the classic romantic to the contemporary urban. The urban culture, the modern young man, mixing and interacting intimately with the work of Carlos Gomes, transcending the feeling and living every moment, exhaling music through the pores of the interpreters, making the popular-classic and popular-classic, bringing expressions which are almost always distanced by (pre) concepts.
Ordinary Place (Lugar Comum), 2018, Brazil, 2 min
Directed by Pedro Krull
Produced by Bagaceira
Choreography by Claudemir Santos
Featuring CEPEC AL
Dancing by Aldine de Souza, Claudemir Santos, Fayonnir Cabral, Tauan Pita
Music Composed by Paul Desmond
Music Performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Cinematography by Pedro Krull, Joaddan Campos, Octávio Lemos
Edited by Pedro Krull
Ordinary Place is a variable between time and space. Time shifts and the place is yours again. Ordinary Place, different people.

Imagine, 2020, United States, 4 min
Choreography by Jeffrey Boom Louiza
Dancing by Keely Song and Jeffrey Boom Louiza
Music Composed by Jordan Turner
Music Performed by Kimberly Knighton and Cayson Renshaw
Cinematography by Angela Rosalis Challis
Per the artist's request, this film will be available on the Facebook Watch Party, but not here on the website screening.

daydreaming (sonhando acordado), 2019, United States, 4 min
Directed by Peter Litwinowicz
Choreography by Lizz Roman
Featuring Lizz Roman and Dancers
Dancing by Clarissa Ko, Gizeh Muniz, Jamie Nakama, Sonya Smith
Music Composed by Jerome Lindner
Music Performed by Clarissa Ko, Gizeh Muniz, Jamie Nakama, Sonya Smith
Cinematography by Peter Litwinowicz
Imagination is set adrift among cityscapes and clouds in this film that combines dance, animation and time-lapse photography.

Hug Soon Comes (O Abraço Logo Vem), 2020, Brazil, 2 min
Directed by Paulo Accioly
Produced by Paulo Accioly, Bagaceira Filmes, Pedro Krull
Choreography by Paulo Accioly, Jeane Rocha, Samuel Pitta
Dancing by Jeane Rocha, Samuel Pitta
Music Composed by Igor Peixoto
Cinematography by Perola Pitta
The present has long been no more important than the future. Without two kisses, without forró or punch the clock. Everything is far, everyone is far, but the hug soon comes.
Pooling, 2018, United States, 4 min
Produced and Directed by Dawn Westlake
Choreography and Dancing by Marc Carrizo Vilarroig
Music by Joan Armand Forero
DP/Editing/VFX by Pol Carrizo Vilarroig
Animation by Dismas & GrissyG Lizarraga
When one takes an ill-advised leap of faith into the void, the body breaks. It takes a pooling of the deepest resources of the spirit to reconstruct the man.

Dancing the limitation (Dança em tempos de limitação), 2020, Brazil, 2 min
Directed by Ayumi Hanada
Choreography by Ayumi Hanada
Dancing by Ayumi Hanada, Giovanna Herrera, Isabela Bertô, Marcela Cibin Ugo, Melissa Baba e Renata Paulino.
Music by Gustavo de Angelis
Cinematography by Ayumi Hanada, Giovanna Herrera, Isabela Bertô, Marcela Cibin Ugo, Melissa Baba e Renata Paulino.
I involuntarily question myself about my limits and limitations. I provoke myself to feel them, respect them and often cross them.
SWARM, 2017, United Kingdom, 9 min
Directed by Emma Miranda Moore
Produced by There You Are
Choreography by Amber Doyle
Music Composed by Joss Albért
Cinematography by Charles Mori
Edited by Roberta Bononi
A mysterious group of figures find one another in the woods. They unite in dance and, as the evening falls, reveal their true identities.