SSF @ DSA - Brazilian Films Selection

EXUFRIDA, 2019, Brazil, 6 min
Directed by Cicero Fraga
Produced by Silvio Cohen
Choreography by Raquel Karro
Featuring Instrumento de Ver
Dancing by Beatrice Martins
Music Composed by Luis Oliviéri
Cinematography by Alan Schvarsberg
In 1997 an out-of-control truck crashed into a bus that carried part of the Flamengos gymnastics team, the base of the Brazilian national team. Beatrice Martins fractured both feet. She can no longer compete, but she turned her recovery into a dance.

Sandbox (Caixa de Areia), 2020, Brazil, 3 min
Directed by Diogo Angeli
Produced by Diogo Angeli, Eduardo Pereira
Choreography and Dancing by Diogo Angeli
Music Composed by Diogo Angeli
Cinematography by Eduardo Pereira
The Sandbox screendance reflects subjectively on human confinement/isolation. Stuck in a box, we can only deal with the traces of our own conscience.

Covert (Encobertos), 2019, Brazil, 6 min
Directed by Lilian Graca
Produced by Lilian Graça
Choreography by A coreografia é um trabalho conjunto entre a diretora e os dançarinos.
Dancing by Amanda Savitri, Bernardo Oliveira, Danilo Lima, Renan Bozzeli
Music Composed by Marcelo Sena
Cinematography by Lilian Graça
Concepção coreógrafica by Lilian Graça
"Covert" elaborates the idea of a "space between" in an approach that deals with the surface plane to unveil and enter the deep field of the screen. The video thus has the objective of discussing the kinesthetic involvement of the viewer, in which its focus of engagement is triggered by the dynamics between the distances and the movement of moving away and closer to the camera and the dancers. In this way, “Covert” experiences the flow between surface and screen depth as a field of perceptual and body passages.

Dancing the limitation (Dança em tempos de limitação), 2020, Brazil, 2 min
Directed by Ayumi Hanada
Choreography by Ayumi Hanada
Dancing by Ayumi Hanada, Giovanna Herrera, Isabela Bertô, Marcela Cibin Ugo, Melissa Baba e Renata Paulino.
Music by Gustavo de Angelis
Cinematography by Ayumi Hanada, Giovanna Herrera, Isabela Bertô, Marcela Cibin Ugo, Melissa Baba e Renata Paulino.
I involuntarily question myself about my limits and limitations. I provoke myself to feel them, respect them and often cross them.

Migrant Gaze (Olhar Migrante), 2020, USA and Brazil, 3 min
Directed by Ana Baer, Julia Ziviani
Produced by Bruno Harlyson
Dancing by Ayumi Hanada, Casemiro de Paula Barsalini, Cléo de Paula, Fernando Vitor, Flávia Pinheiro, Júlia Ferreira, Lais Taufic, Robson Lourenço, Victoria Travitzki
Music Composed by Joaquin Lopez Chas
Filmmaker: Ana Baer
Cia Eclipse Cultura e Arte Direction by Ricardo Cardoso (Kiko Brown) e Ana Cristina Ribeiro
Groupo Dançaberta Direction by Julia Ziviani
An intimate look at the Immigrant experience focusing on issues of identity, belongingness and displacement through the language of dance. Shot in Campinas, Brazil in collaboration with Dançaberta and Eclipse Cultura e Arte.

Dancing not to forget (Dançar para não esquecer), 2019, Brazil, 6 min
Directed by Karina Almeida,
Choreography by Karina Almeida
Dancing by Karina Almeida and Tutu Morasi
Music Composed by Rodrigo Vasconcelos
Filmmaker: Trindade Media
Each gesture bears memories that are updated in the here and now. Presence is a present, something that comes to life every time one dances so as not to forget.

Erêkauã, 2021, Brazil, 1 min
Directed by Paulo Accioly
Produced by Estranha Força
Choreography by Ernane Ferreira
Dancing by Kauã
OST by Igor Peixoto
Kauã dances in the hill, like a bird of prey.
Rio Cor de Rosa, 2019, Brazil, 7 min
Directed by André Rosa
Choreography by Clébio Oliveira
Featuring Companhia de Dança do Teatro Alberto Maranhão
Dancing by André Rosa, Gabriela Gorges, Gustavo Santos, Juarez Moniz, Julia Vasques, Marghot Lima, Tatyelli Raulino, Will Gomes
Music Composed by Wim Mertens / Terje Isungeset / Antony And The Johnis / Electric President / Glen Hansard e Marketa Iglova
Cinematography by André Rosa
The body claims more than is ever its right to, intervention and alteration, it is action in constant motion, in search of different spaces, even if it suffers from the marks of the past. Memories lead us to our old dwellings, internal pains, external smiles, psychic violence and other paths. Every place, a new river and different waters.

Street (Rua), 2019, Brazil, 3 min
Directed by Barbara Cunha, Mary Gatis
Choreography and Dancing by Inae Silva
Music by DJ Dolores
Cinematography by Renato Stockler
Looked at the living room. She saw herself in prison. A beautiful hanging cell.Forty meters from the ground. The bright blue from the box. Strange voices in the air, dulling the senses, sucking all your air. The voice emanating from the box. Tell her what to do: Food, clothes, desire. Where to go, what to think.

She goes to the street. She wants to dance. She dances naked.

She's get in on and breaks everything. She the chaos master. There is no gas to stop Your Carnival.

Women's Threads, 2017, Brazil, 10 min
Directed by Maria Fernanda Miranda, Paulo GCMiranda
Produced by Mandra Filmes
Choreography by Renata Lima
Featuring Mulheres de Linhas
Dancing by Maria Fernanda Miranda, Tainá Barreto, Ladyjane Macedo
Music Performed by -
Cinematography by Diego Zanotti
Edited by Paulo GC Miranda
In the scrublands of Gerais, amid crooked trees, flowery Ipês and airborne dust, there is a female universe of threads created and maintained by the hands of women of various ages. World of many hands. World of threads. Women of threads who, in spinning, weaving, and embroiderers, with their landscapes, webs, circles, needles and looms, their songs, create living entanglements in the form of female narratives and hand movements