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Dolores, 2020, Brazil, 4 min
Produced and Directed by Loretta Pelosi
Choreography by Loretta Pelosi
Dancing by Loretta Pelosi
Music Composed by Desasosiego
Music Performed by Fátima Miranda
Cinematography by Moisés Costa
This piece is a study on being female, the pain and the beauty of being what you are. Nothing is certain. It is about putting yourself through a state of transformation.
5 Portraits - On View Japan, 2019, Australia, 15 min
Directed by Sue Healey
Produced by Eri Karatsu
Choreography by Sue Healey
Featuring Sue Healey and Company
Dancing by Nobuyoshi Asai, Ema Yuasa, Naoko Shirikawa, Kenta Kojiri, Saori Hala
Music by Darrin Verhagen
Cinematography by Judd Overton, Kei Fushiki
Edited by Sue Healey
Five portraits of Japanese dance artists.

Vestiges, 2019, United States, 7 min
Directed by Mary Fitzgerald, Eileen Standley
Produced by Dmitri Von Klein
Choreography by Mary Fitzgerald, Eileen Standley
Dancing by Taimy Miranda, Joan Rodriguez
Music by Casey Farina
Filmmaker: Dmitri von Klein
Vestiges is a collaborative dance/animation film that explores the multiple ways of imagining legacies of the moving body. The piece delves into questions about what the body leaves behind as it ages – metaphorically speaking, and in terms of the objects we create in the realm of dance and digital arts.

Claim, 2020, United States, 4 min
Directed by Keely Song
Choreography by Keely Song
Music Composed by Stephen Taylor
Music Performed by Claudine Bigelow
Cinematography by Angela Rosalis Challis
A dance film featuring seven pregnant women.

Ladies in Waiting, 2020, United States, 4 min
Directed by Michelle Bernier
Choreography and Dancing by Jessica Riggs
Cinematography by Michelle Bernier, Tyler Stocker, Adam Riggs
Filmed on location in and around the City Hall of Nevadaville, Colorado, a gold mining town established in 1859 which is now a ghost town, this short lays out an abstract narrative around a woman's wedding, homemaking, and eventual decay, reflecting on the performance of happiness, isolation, and abandonment, and the potentially oppressive conditions of marriage.
Sedimented Here, 2020, United States, 7 min
Directed by Rachel Barker
Choreography by Rachel Barker
Dancing by McCall McClellan, Jared McClure, Abby Trinca
Music Composed by Michael Wall and Troy Sales
Cinematography by Ellen Maynard
This short dance film shot in Moab, Utah (United States), explores relationship between the moving body and outdoor environment, asking, "What movement belongs here?" The dancers immerse themselves in the red rock, water, and sand as the perspective shifts from intimate close-ups to grandiose panoramas, bringing the viewer into this physical desert world.