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Express, 2018, United States, 4 min
Produced and Directed by Meredith Slifkin
Choreography by Aleksandar Dokuleski
Featuring Arthur Murray NYC Broadway
Dancing by Lauren Wilmore, Devin Packard
Music by Jacob Lurye
Cinematography by Lydia Lovell
Edited by Meredith Slifkin
On their daily Q train commute, two strangers form a connection.
Pooling, 2018, United States, 4 min
Produced and Directed by Dawn Westlake
Choreography and Dancing by Marc Carrizo Vilarroig
Music by Joan Armand Forero
DP/Editing/VFX by Pol Carrizo Vilarroig
Animation by Dismas & GrissyG Lizarraga
When one takes an ill-advised leap of faith into the void, the body breaks. It takes a pooling of the deepest resources of the spirit to reconstruct the man.

HENK, 2018, Netherlands, 7 min
Directed by Sergio Gridelli
Produced by plan d-
Choreography and Dancing by Andreas Denk, Josephine van Rheenen
Featuring Plan d-, De Dansers
Music by Guy Corneille
Filmmaker: Sergio Gridelli
Henk leads an idiosyncratic and eccentric life. When a young woman unexpectedly enters into his world, he is forced to face the confrontation.
BOOKANIMA: Dance, 2018, Republic of Korea, 8 min
Produced and Directed by Shon Kim
Choreography by Shon Kim
Featuring Shon Kim Studio
Music by Shon Kim
Filmmaker: Shon Kim
'Bookanima,' a compound word of ‘Book’ and ‘Anima’, is Experimental Animation to give new cinematic life to books. Along the way, it experiments with locomotion based on Chronophotography Animation, paying homage to Edward Muybridge and Entienne Jules-Marey, as well as locomotion in dance: Ballet, Korean dance, Modern dance, Jazz dance, Aerial Silk, Tap dance, Aerobic dance, Disco, Breakin, and social dances.

Flower + Dance, 2019, United States, 5 min
Directed by Jayson Tang
Produced by Taraneh Golozar, Simran Mahal
Dancing by Kimberly M. Olive, Tilt Helmets, Hansuke Yamamoto, Tessa Barbour, Steffi Cheong, Swane Mesaoudl
Music by Dos acordes/Chiaperotti
Cinematography by Andy Hoffmen
Edited by Jayson Tang
Slow motion dancers in vivid colors combined with kaleidoscope editing to form a dazzling moving geometry.

Bloom, 2018, United States, 9 min
Produced and Directed by Yelena Konetchy
Choreography by Aurelio Planes and Inna Grudtcina
Dancing by AJ Garcia, Aurelio Planes, Inna Grudtcina, Jack Anthony Dunlap II
Music Composed by Nathaniel Earl
Cinematography by Peter Klemek
Edited by Vanessa Pla, Thomas Knox, and Yelena Konetchy
In a modern, overly-trinketed living room, a child tinkers with her various excessive collections. The space is repositioning around her, sculpted by a task-consumed group of masked personas, intersecting each other’s pathways in perfect, non-colliding harmony. Several realities are existing in conjunction. The child is left to question which of these realities will ultimately serve her.
The Icons, 2017, United States, 4 min
Directed by Mitchell Rose
Produced by Ashley Roland, Jamey Hampton, Mitchell Rose
Choreography and Dancing by Ashley Roland & Jamey Hampton
Featuring BodyVox
Music by William Goodrum
Filmmaker: Mitchell Rose
Alternative interpretations of signage from America's favorite generic couple, The Icons.
Chimera, 2016, France, 2 min
Directed by Steven Briand
Produced by Vast Be Mess
Choreography by Cathy Ematchoua
Featuring Cathy Ematchoua
Dancing by Aliaska HILSUM, Leonore ZURFLUH, Hajiba FAHMY, Dalila Cortes.
Music by Phazz
Cinematography by Kaname Onoyama
Edited by Nadir Cassim
Inspired by Greek mythology, the Chimera features acrobatic dance performances and highly aesthetic kaleidoscopic movements.

SOHAM - The Swan, 2019, India, 6 min
Directed by Usha Rajeswari
Produced by Divya Devaguptapu
Choreography and Dancing by Divya Devaguptapu
Featuring Divya Devaguptapu
Music Composed by Ranjani Ramakrishnan
Music Performed by Ranjani Ramakrishnan, Prithvi Chandrasekhar, Abhinandan Ramakrishnan, Sunil Kumar
Cinematography by Shiva GRN
Edited by Usha Rajeswari
In the West, Swan Song is an idiom often used to denote a final act or performance, in reference to the beautiful song the swan is believed to sing right before death. In contrast, the East perceives the Swan (Hamsa in Sanskrit) as a symbol of supreme consciousness – of life and freedom. The Swan is a homeless free wanderer, that swims on the surface of the water and soars into the air; at ease in both and not bound to either. In this film, the iconic ballet Dying Swan becomes a point of departure - compositionally, choreographically and metaphorically. SOHAM is the Immortal Swan Song of the East, performed in the movement language of Bharatanatyam (Indian Classical Dance) and a soundscape of Carnatic Music (Indian Classical Music).

Nela, 2018, United Kingdom, 3 min
Produced and Directed by Andrew Margetson
Choreography by Will Tucket
Featuring The Royal Ballet
Dancing by Marianela Nuñez
Music Composed by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse
Music Performed by Nina Simone
Cinematography by Federico Alfonzo
Edited by David Webb
A strikingly intimate study of the great classical ballerina Marianela Nuñez as she dances to Nina Simone, choreographed by Will Tuckett.