Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema,

Sans Souci Brazil: 2nd edition - Screening C: Covid Films
Early this year SSF put out a call for films connected with Brazil, and the results were astounding. In March as a response to the pandemic, we put out a challenge to dance filmmakers around the world: using recycled or new footage, create a dance film of 2 minutes or less. The idea was to get artists working on new projects while self-quarantining, and we asked them submit fresh work, edited recently, even if the footage used was older. Theme/subject/form/content did not have to be related to quarantine or Covid-19.
These films were the Brazilian-related selections from our Covid Challenge Category, one of four online screenings.

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Frame from Experiment #2

Experiment #2 (Experimento #2), 2020, Brazil, 2 min

Produced and Directed by Christian Schneider
Choreography and Dancing by Bruno Ceribelli
Music Composed by Christian Schneider
Cinematography by Christian Schneider
How to experience a place through the memory of our body. Starting from this principle, this contemporary dance work is expressed about the corporal questions, related to the experiences with a physical space. These relationships go beyond material questions and overflow ideas, feelings, dynamics, actions and movements. The narrative is based on the fusion of the concepts of cinematic movement from a cinematographic point of view.
Frame from What Passes Time?

What Passes Time? (O que passa tempo?), 2020, Brazil, 1 min

Choreography and Dancing by Nathalia Cano
Cinematography by Luiza Cano
Frame from (a)moldar

(a)moldar, 2020, Brazil, 2 min

Directed by Júlia Ferreira
Produced by Grupo Dançaberta
Choreography and Dancing by Júlia Ferreira
Featuring Grupo Dançaberta
Music Composed by Júlia Ferreira
Music Performed by Soulful- L'Indécis
Cinematography by Júlia Ferreira
Desires and adaptations of a body that lives in the present time.
Frame from Waiting Room

Waiting Room (Sala de Espera), 2020, Brazil, 1 min

Produced and Directed by Karina Almeida
Choreography and Dancing by Karina Almeida
Music Composed by Som ambiente.
Cinematography by Karina Almeida
Film created for Covid-19/Quarantine Call.
Frame from The end of the world's dance

The end of the world's dance (Dança do fim do mundo), 2020, Brazil, 2 min

Produced by Ayumi Hanada, Gustavo de Angelis, Fluxo em Redes
Choreography and Dancing by Ayumi Hanada
Music by Gustavo de Angelis
Cinematography by Ayumi Hanada
When there is a feeling that there is no way out and that the world is collapsing, my body collapses together, but not before it boils inside and out.
Frame from How Long a Disaster Lasts

How Long a Disaster Lasts (Quanto tempo dura um desastre), 2020, Brazil, 2 min

Directed by Renata de Lélis, Edu Rabin
Choreography and Dancing by Renata de Lélis
Cinematography by Edu Rabin
This material was captured in October 2019, on the beach of Moreré, Bahia. We wanted to speak, to translate the despair of that nature in the urgency of the arrival of the oil that plagued the beaches of the Northeast. It was happening, it happened ... We just assembled the material here in the quarantine, wondering ... how long does a disaster last…
Frame from Din

Din (Ruído), 2020, Brazil, 2 min

Directed by Pedro Gus
Produced by Geórgia Macedo, Pedro Gus
Choreography and Dancing by Geórgia Macedo
Music Composed by Thiago Ramil
Music Performed by Gutcha Ramil
Cinematography by Pedro Gus
Instigated by Covid-19 / Quarantine Challenge, Georgia and Pedro resume the material recorded in the month prior to the quarantine of citizens residing in Brazilian territory and wonder what movement resonated with the city's vibration. "Din" starts from this questioning seeking to bring the city traces that are left in our body. Understanding that the material is also composed of empty spaces, the choreography of body and video researches movement as a reflection of noises that fill and permeate the space. Thus, distorted and overlapping vibrations of the strings of the rabeca (Brazilian instrument) generate impulses that have not seen trajectory.