Shorts screening, Friday, April 6, 2007, 8pm

CEA, 2006, Canada, 4 min
Directed by Robert Prowse
Produced by Dominique Keller & Andrea Pass
Choreography by Andrea Pass
Dancing by Jocelyn Hebert, Carrie Innes, Tina Kettyle, Joanna Norris, Kate Pakarnyk, Andrea Pass, Beryl Tsai Poon
Music by Cedric Blary & Colin Maier
Cinematography by Lisa Fryklund
Picture Edited by Erik King Smith
"CEA," a film without words draws us into a captivating sensory experience. The slow, melodic rhythms and quiet energy of this film offer a powerful dichotomy to the frenetic pace of today's dominant urban culture. The movement flows with the grace of poetry, to an original score that takes us back, through our collective rural history.

City Crumbs, 2007, USA, includes live performance, 15 min
Produced and Directed by Ana Baer
Choreography by Kim Olson and Giessen Dance Theater Dance Company
Featuring Kim Olson/Sweet Edge & Giessen Dance Theater
Dancing by Kim Olson, Jeny Weber, Lauren Beale, Danielle Dugas, Kai Guzowski, Hiroshi Wakamatsu, Mélodie Lasselin
Music by Randy Gibson
The latest collaboration between Ana Baer-Carrillo, Kim Olson and Randy Gibson, "City Crumbs" is a vignette of visual moments revealing the complexity of relationships in an urban environment. The dance material derives from improvisational work, as well as from Olson's piece "Separate Heaven." Filmed in Düsseldorf Germany and Denver Colorado in 2006.

wash, rinse, repeat, 2007, USA, includes live performance, 5 min
Produced and Directed by Jeanine McCain & Jessica Damon
Choreography and Dancing by Jessica Damon
Music Composed by John Cage
Music Performed by Andrea Fullington
Cinematography by Jeanine McCain
"wash, rinse, repeat" is three intersecting solos in live dance, live vocal performance and projected images. The performance explores a cycle of considering the past and the future while discovering the core of solitude in the present moment.

ing, 2006, Kansas City, MO, USA, 17 min
Produced and Directed by Nicole Romine
Choreography by Nicole Romine
Dancing by Audrey Rusher
Music by Gustavo Santcolla, Thomas Newman, Sigor Ros
The journey of being, becoming.

Bleu, 2006, USA, 4 min
Produced and Directed by Cari Ann Shim Sham*
Choreography and Dancing by Cari Ann Shim Sham*
Featuring Shim Sham Productions
Music Composed by Low in the Sky
Music Performed by Are you for real?!
"Bleu" exposes the naked moving body as an art form, as post-it notes fly onto the dancer's body to cover her up and comment on the politics of the heavy American workload. Surprise Ending.

Icarus Fried, 2006, 4 min
Produced and Directed by Melanie Kloetzel
Choreography by Melanie Kloetzel
Featuring Kloetzel & CO.
Dancing by Melanie Kloetzel & John Masserini
Music Composed by Joan Tower
Music Performed by John Masserini
Throwing together the strange neo-classical imagery of Joan Tower's "Wings" and an abandoned egg-farm in Idaho, "Icarus Fried" offers a fresh and humorous look at the egg versus chicken dillema.

The World of Dance, 1990, USA, 9 min
Produced and Directed by Dan Boord, Laura Hill, Marilyn Marloff, Luis Valdovino
Choreography by Marilyn Marloff
Dancing by Laura Hill, Marilyn Marloff
Music Composed by Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky, Erik Satie
Music Performed by radio
"The World of Dance" is a video tape made for lovers of dance and the Jane Fonda workout video. The tape asks the question "If it is large, if it is orange, and if it is ugly, is it contemporary art?" "The World of Dance" is not about dance. It is a tape made in the spirit of Rene Clair's "Entr'acte" and Tati's "Tour of the Modern World."

Flesh Sites, 2007, France, 8 min
Produced and Directed by Nancy Spanier
Choreography by Nancy Spanier and Paul Oertel
Featuring Nancy Spanier Dance Theatre/Performance Inventions
Dancing by Paul Oertel
"Flesh Sites" is a poetic study in the aesthetic interaction between the human form and ancient caves in southwestern France. It is a collaboration between the videographer and the dancer in the spontaneous creation of form.

Ilusiones, 2006, Spain, 3 min
Directed by Fatima Torcornal
Produced by Fatima Torcornal & Ob-art produccións
Choreography and Dancing by Maica Folch
Music Composed by Trio Kroke, Mihrali, Fatih Ihlamur
The figure dances creating colorful pictorial illusions.

i left you on a cold day in december, 2007, USA, 11 min
Directed by Randy Gibson
Produced by Avant Media Performance
Choreography by Laine Rettmer and Randy Gibson
Dancing by Laine Rettmer
Music by Randy Gibson
An exploration of flesh: That of the human and that of nature. The music is set in a narrow spectrum of the harmonic series.

Journey, The Best of All Worlds, Sections 4 & 12, 2006, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, 9 min
Produced and Directed by Anonymous Smith
Dancing by Anonymous Smith
Music Composed by David B. King
Visual Creations by Peter Van Schaik & Anonymous Smith
This work is loosely based on the writings of Voltaire's Candide. The sections being presented were created using motion capture technology. Smith created aesthetic movement while a 12-camera optical system recorded the 3-dimensional positions of the 41 reflective markings on his suit 120 times per second. Virtual worlds were computer-modeled separately and the motion capture data was then mapped onto humanoid models in those worlds. Subsequently, King created the score.