The Boe, Sunday, October 25
Never Finished: Explorations at the Finnish, 2015, USA, 5 min
Directed by Megan Lowe
Choreography and Dancing by Megan Lowe
Music by Megan Lowe
Cinematography by Danny Nguyen
Edited by Megan Lowe
Door, bench, floor and more. Site-specific space comes to life as the soloist explores its dimensionality, texture, and patterns.

Subsurface, 2015, Finland, 7 min
Directed by Thomas Freundlich
Produced by Lumikinos Production
Choreography and Dancing by Jussi Väänänen & Katja Koukkula
Music by Kimmo Pohjonen
Filmmaker: Thomas Freundlich
Costume Design by Jenni Ahtiainen
Archaic elements of nature are metaphors for the multiple levels of a relationship.

Post Op, 2014, France, 7 min
Produced and Directed by Nancy Spanier
Choreography by Nancy Spanier
Featuring Performance Inventions
Dancing by David Capps and Paul Oertel
Music Composed by Franz Schubert
Filmmaker: Xavier Hirissou
A lyrical poetic tribute — a gateway into human intimacy, tenderness, and vulnerability. A coming together and a sharing of similarly impactful experiences — memories and reflections distilling down to what is essential. A celebration of healing...
SYMMETRY, 2015, The Netherlands, 53 min
Directed by Ruben van Leer
Produced by CTM Pictures
Choreography by Lukas Timulak
Featuring Nederlands Danstheater
Dancing by Shirley Essenboom, Celia Amade, Cesar Faria Fernandes, Joeri Dubbe
Music Composed by Joep Franssens & Henry Vega
Music Performed by Cappella Choir Amsterdam
Cinematography by Paul Ozgur
Edited by Amber Hooijmans
Soprano by Claron McFadden
Particle phycisist by Mirko Pojer
A particle physicist becomes a dancer while searching for the theory of everything in the dance-opera shot in the CERN Large Hadron Collider in Geneva. The accompanying documentary, 'Symmetry Unravelled,' describes the film- and dance-making process.