Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema,

Sans Souci at Jack's Solar Garden: Locals' Night
Jack's Solar Garden

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Frame from Growing

Growing, 2021, United States, 3 min

Produced and Directed by Michelle Bernier
Choreography by Michelle Bernier and the performers
Dancing by Workshop participants and facilitators
Music Composed by Dave Willey
Filmmaker: Michelle Bernier
Workshop facilitation by Andy Bingle, Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center
Worksop facilitation assistance by Peg Posnick, Holly Schlotterback
A film created as a part of Michelle Bernier’s 2021 Artist Residency at Jack’s Solar Garden, this film features young dancers from the Front Range of Colorado who were participants at our summer dance film workshop series. This piece was created from workshop footage of movement crafted by the dancers themselves, with the prompt to embody the principles of agrivoltaics that make Jack’s Solar Garden work.
Frame from Five Lives

Five Lives, 2021, United States, 7 min

Directed by L. Ashwyn Collins
Produced by 3rd Law Dance/Theater
Choreography by Katie Elliot, Laura Hymeres Treglia, Lisa Morgan, Sarah Leversee, Sharon Wehner
Dancing by 3rd Law Dance Theater's D4PD Program, Ormao Dance Theater's D4PD Program, Moving Through Parkinson's, Reconnect with Your Body - A Program of Art as Action, Rhythm and Grace, sponsored by the Parkinson's Association of the Rockies
Cinematography by L. Ashwyn Collins
A short film featuring Dance for Parkinson's Programs around Colorado. To stay connected despite the pandemic, the director of each group created movement inspired by a stanza of a poem. The sixth stanza was used to bring everyone together in the virtual landscape. The film is a movement compilation of how we adapted and flourished in these times.
Frame from Polly

Polly, 2021, United States, 5 min

Directed by Kristen Jorden
Choreography by Nic Gareiss
Dancing by Kristen Jorden, Herbert Poppe
Music Composed by Laurel Premo
Cinematography by Noel Jorden
Edited by Kristen Jorden
A bored young woman helping her dad with chores finds she can't keep from dancing, despite the risk of getting in trouble. When she finally gets caught, dance once again saves the day.

The Wanting, 2021, United States, 4 min

Directed by Claudia Anata Hubiak
Produced by Mark Ragan
Choreography by Claudia Anata Hubiak
Featuring The Anata Project
Dancing by Kelsey Byrne, Julie-Ann Gambino
Music Composed by K.W.E.S.T.
Cinematography by Ray Bailey TV
The Wanting uses themes of abundance to make a playful statement on desire and the human impulse we all share to fill our own emptiness.

EntangleMEN: From the Dugout, 2021, United States, 22 min

Directed by Helanius James Wilkins
Produced by Helanius James Wilkins, Watcheye Studios
Choreography by Helanius James Wilkins with Avery Ryder Turner
Dancing by Avery Ryder Turner, Helanius James Wilkins
Music Composed by Carlos D. Flores
Filmmaker: Carlos D. Flores
"EntangleMEN: From the Dugout" centers on a male duet exploring coexistence through an exhaustive collision course of in-between states. Wheat fields, spillway infrastructures, and baseball dugouts on indigenous territories of Arapaho, Cheyenne and Ute Nations set the scenes for this viscerally charged work. (This work is also a component of the evening-length live performance project The Conversation Series: Stitching the Geopolitical Quilt to Re-Body Belonging.)​
Frame from Under Grace

Under Grace, 2021, United States, 10 min

Directed by Kris Jobson, Celia Grannum Perarnaud
Produced by Celia Grannum Perarnaud
Choreography by Celia Grannum Perarnaud
Dancing by Kelsey Byrne, Hannah Cardoza
Cinematography by Kris Jobson, Davis James
Picking up the pieces of a puzzle which was scattered through the timelines of two entangled lives, "Under Grace," dances the viewer through different dimensions, inviting them to dive into an intimate portrait of a relationship long lost to memory and the wind.

Coil & Web, 2020, United States, 9 min

Directed by Gretchen LaBorwit
Produced by Evolving Doors Dance
Dancing by Erika Curry-Elrod, Hanna Ghadessi, Gretchen LaBorwit, Samantha Lewis, Kat Kalamaras, Angie Simmons, Alfred Smith, Victoria Stone
Music Composed by High Fiction
Cinematography by Gretchen LaBorwit
Movement Invention by Angie Simmons
Music Direction & Editing by Amy Shelley
Bodies swirl and shift through “Coil &Web,” navigating natural elements and internal landscapes, contemplating the accelerating disconnect and the unseen entanglement of life forces on our planet. At the core of our being lies a code that defines us, a script that writes our story and interweaves our lives with others, making it evident that, even at our basic genetic level, we are 99.9% alike…more alike than we are different. This internal connection expands from living being to living being, creating an invisible web that is imperceptible to measure, yet omnipresent. “Coil &Web” journeys to a place where pushing past the noise and tuning in to a deeper connection aligns us on the same frequency, spiraling towards oneness and turning away from division.

Harvesting, 2021, United States, 5 min

Directed by Michelle Bernier
Choreography by Michelle Bernier and the performers
Dancing by Jun Akiyama, Keith Haynes, Elena Kramda, Alberta Shulman, Mary Willmeng
Music Performed by Dave Willey
Cinematography by Jesse Rarick
Edited by Michelle Bernier
A film created as a part of Michelle Bernier’s 2021 Artist Residency at Jack’s Solar Garden, this film explores ideas of growth, resiliency, sustainability, efficiency, and community.
Frame from Harvesting

Harvesting, 2021, United States, 5 min

Directed by Michelle Bernier
Choreography by Michelle Bernier and the performers
Dancing by Jun Akiyama, Keith Haynes, Elena Kramda, Alberta Shulman, Mary Willmeng
Music Performed by Dave Willey
Cinematography by Jesse Rarick
Edited by Michelle Bernier
A film created as a part of Michelle Bernier’s 2021 Artist Residency at Jack’s Solar Garden, this film explores ideas of growth, resiliency, sustainability, efficiency, and community.