Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema,

Sans Souci Brazil: 2nd edition - Screening A
This year we put out a call this year for films connected with Brazil, and the results were astounding. The films listed here were selected and curated as one of four online screenings.

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Every Point in a Curve (Todos os Pontos da Curva), 2018, Brazil, 7 min

Directed by Francisco Miguez
Produced by Amanda Carvalho, Mauricio Battistuci
Choreography and Dancing by Bibi Dória
Music by Sebastián Diaz
Cinematography by Mauricio Battistuci
Every Point in a Curve is an open space for impermanent movement. Impermanent in the sense of an aimless, haphazard wandering. A movement with no certain starting point and no certain arrival. This uncertainty becomes matter, through which dance and video editing converse. Escaping predictable inertia, a search for constant new beginnings.
Frame from Meltdown

Meltdown, 2020, Brazil, 4 min

Directed by Felipe Teixeira
Produced by Felipe Teixeira e Mariana Molinos
Choreography and Dancing by Mariana Molinos
Featuring Felipe Teixeira e Mariana Molinos
Music by David Schombert
Cinematography by Felipe Teixeira
Non-existent, extended time. Immersed in itself. A woman finds herself absorbed and transformed in her feelings.
Frame from Sandbox

Sandbox (Caixa de Areia), 2020, Brazil, 3 min

Directed by Diogo Angeli
Produced by Diogo Angeli, Eduardo Pereira
Choreography and Dancing by Diogo Angeli
Music Composed by Diogo Angeli
Cinematography by Eduardo Pereira
The Sandbox screendance reflects subjectively on human confinement/isolation. Stuck in a box, we can only deal with the traces of our own conscience.
Frame from EXUFRIDA

EXUFRIDA, 2019, Brazil, 6 min

Directed by Cicero Fraga
Produced by Silvio Cohen
Choreography by Raquel Karro
Featuring Instrumento de Ver
Dancing by Beatrice Martins
Music Composed by Luis Oliviéri
Cinematography by Alan Schvarsberg
In 1997 an out-of-control truck crashed into a bus that carried part of the Flamengos gymnastics team, the base of the Brazilian national team. Beatrice Martins fractured both feet. She can no longer compete, but she turned her recovery into a dance.

Jah Intervention (Intervenção Jah), 2019, Brazil, 15 min

Directed by Welket Bungué, Daniel Santos
Produced by Welket Bungué
Choreography and Dancing by Welket Bungué
Music by Walter Reis, Rádio Escada
Cinematography by Daniel Santos
The intervention is a symbolic walk to exhaustion. The intervention proposes the preliminary warm-up that precedes a fight of titans in a boxing ring. The intervention consists of the movement of the performer sensing the sudden fall when affected by perforations by bullets of semi-automatic weapons. Black people in Brazil are still more than half of the population of the country. Between 2005 and 2015 the number of black people murdered increased by 18% and this also made us the majority of homicide victims, accounting for 71% of all registered bodies. - Brazilian Forum of Public Security (2017)
Frame from Covert - (Encobertos)

Covert (Encobertos), 2019, Brazil, 6 min

Directed by Lilian Graca
Produced by Lilian Graça
Choreography by A coreografia é um trabalho conjunto entre a diretora e os dançarinos.
Dancing by Amanda Savitri, Bernardo Oliveira, Danilo Lima, Renan Bozzeli
Music Composed by Marcelo Sena
Cinematography by Lilian Graça
Concepção coreógrafica by Lilian Graça
"Covert" elaborates the idea of a "space between" in an approach that deals with the surface plane to unveil and enter the deep field of the screen. The video thus has the objective of discussing the kinesthetic involvement of the viewer, in which its focus of engagement is triggered by the dynamics between the distances and the movement of moving away and closer to the camera and the dancers. In this way, “Covert” experiences the flow between surface and screen depth as a field of perceptual and body passages.

Fall N°1 (Queda N°1), 2020, Brazil, 4 min

Directed by Babi Fontana, Victor Costa
Produced by Minotauro Produções
Choreography and Dancing by Babi Fontana
Featuring Carolina Virgüez, Flor Delgado, Juan Campistrous, Lilibell Torrejón
Music Composed by Dallanoras
Cinematography by Victor Costa
Artistic Collaboration by Marisa Lambert; Kit Menezes
A body bears witness to the voices of Latin American artists who describe the fall of their bodies. An encounter, a blurring of boundaries and of present and absent gestures.
Frame from o s t r o s s a u r o

o s t r o s s a u r o, 2016, Brazil, 6 min

Directed by Felipe Teixeira
Produced by Núcleo Mirada
Choreography by Karime Nivoloni e Liana Martins
Featuring Núcleo Mirada
Dancing by Karime Nivoloni, Liana Martins, Mariana Molinos
Cinematography by Felipe Teixeira
Three bodies become one. This being goes slowly through space, taking on different forms. Dissolution of the skin, the edges. A being that reinvents itself and integrates itself with space and its textures.
Frame from Impulso

Impulse (Impulso), 2020, Brazil, 4 min

Directed by Michel Schettert
Choreography and Dancing by Carla Vendramin, Eduardo Severino, Luciano Tavares, Renata de Lélis
Music Composed by Michel Schettert
Cinematography by Michel Schettert
Starting from a fragment taken from the poetry of Mario Quintana, this videodance addresses the theme of suicide by editing the performance of four dancers at the Centro de Cultura Mario Quintana, in Porto Alegre city.